When you are thinking about buying a home most people get excited and start looking and searching before talking with a lender. The general thought is that you talk to a lender after you find the perfect home. This is totally wrong. You should speak with a reputable lender and get pre approved and pre qualified to get a loan. That lender needs to run your credit, verify income, etc so that you know how what price range you are approved for, what your monthly payments will be, and what your down payment will be. It is amazing sometimes how far off some are when thinking of a price and then actually speaking to a lender. You may think that the price they would qualify for would go down, but often it does go up! With interest rates and different loan programs available sometimes people are able to get more house for less money down or per month than they thought. Also, it is the buyer's agents duty to make sure that their buyers are qualified to purchase the homes they are showing them. If you were a seller you would want the same. So, talk to a lender, run the numbers, get approved...before you start looking at homes.
For more information on Wilmington, NC real estate and WIlmington Luxury Homes, click here!
Contact Jessica at 910-352-1043 or email JessicaRiffle@SeaCoastRealty.com.
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